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Traffic in San Carlos has never been more congested.  We must consider a range of solutions to tackle this problem: 

  • Some mapping apps are redirecting traffic from main Peninsula arteries onto our side streets and through residential neighborhoods, so let’s partner with traffic engineers to test how various traffic management techniques (like traffic calming, turn lane configurations, adaptive traffic signals) could better distribute some of our road congestion. 
  • We should investigate increasing public transit options, which does double duty of reducing the number of cars on the road and the number of parking spots needed downtown. With additional routes to/from Caltrain, routes up/down our hills, and revisiting shuttle services for those who don’t wish or aren’t able to drive, we may be able to increase mobility (and help air quality) without creating more road congestion.
  • Creating a super bike-friendly culture is another key improvement we should pursue. We need to consider protected or painted bike lanes within neighborhoods and along traditional commuting routes, which would increase our residents’ safety, and make biking a viable form of transit for all kinds of students, athletes, commuters and families.
  • We should improve bikeways between East San Carlos and downtown, better connecting the City’s flow between these two neighborhoods.
  • To encourage more residents to bike to Laurel, we should add bike racks and/or bike lockers at Harrington Park and other spots on Laurel.


Do you have ideas or concerns about mitigating our traffic?  I'd love to hear from you!

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